Results of temperature measurements, which may be applied ro inference
of winter temperatures in data-sparse areas. are presented. The morni
ng air temperatures during three winters were measured at 80 places in
a 10 km x 30 km area along the Connecticut River. NOAA climatologies
show this region to have complex spatial variation in mean minimum tem
perature. Frequency analysis techniques were applied to evaluate the d
ifferences in daily local temperature. Temperature lapse or temperatur
e inversion in the study area was inferred from the difference of surf
ace temperature measurements 100 and 300 m above river level. The freq
uency of inferred temperature lapse and the inferred lapse rate dimini
shed as snow cover increased. The frequency of inferred temperature in
version and inversion strength increased as snow cover increased. When
more than 20 cm of snow covered the ground, an additional surface inv
ersion was frequent in the layer less than 100 m above river level, an
d two-thirds of river level temperatures less than -20 degrees C occur
red concurrent with these conditions. The daily temperature difference
s at the individual points, with respect to a defined point, were logn
ormally distributed. The magnitude and geometric standard deviation of
temperature differences throughout the study area were larger on morn
ings when inversion was inferred. With respect to topography, temperat
ure differences and the geometric standard deviation of temperature di
fferences were smaller along flats or among basins than along or atop
slopes on mornings when inversion was inferred. It is proposed that so
me meteorologically prudent inferences of surface temperature and near
-surface temperature lapse or temperature inversion can be made for si
milar data-sparse areas.