Using atomistic computer simulation methods we propose a general overv
iew of the point defect structure of KTaO3. A set of short-range poten
tial parameters was derived using an empirical fitting procedure. Thes
e parameters were then applied within the framework of the shell model
. We employed a two-region strategy in combination with the Mott-Littl
eton technique for defect calculations. Intrinsic defects including Fr
enkel and Schottky-type disorder, polarons, and reduction/oxidation me
chanisms are treated in the study as well as a great number of extrins
ic defects. The way these ions are introduced into the crystal, their
agglomeration into defect complexes and possible off-center displaceme
nts are investigated. It is found that in KTaO3, intrinsic disorder is
of minor significance and small electron polarons possibly are stable
. The calculations support the idea that reduction is significantly in
fluenced by preexisting oxygen vacancies, which result from charge com
pensation of accidental acceptor impurities in the material. Extrinsic
monovalent ions substitute on the potassium site for which no charge
compensation is necessary. Ions of other valencies are incorporated on
both cation lattice sites which then gives rise to a charge self-comp
ensation, in some cases combined with the formation of oxygen vacancie