D. Walgraef et Nm. Ghoniem, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS OF SELF-ORGANIZED MICROSTRUCTURE UNDER IRRADIATION, Physical review. B, Condensed matter, 52(6), 1995, pp. 3951-3962
We analyze the formation and evolution of point and line defect micros
tructure in irradiated materials. The effects of irradiation on materi
als are described by dynamical conservation equations for two mobile a
tomic size species (vacancies and interstitial atoms), and two basic i
mmobile elements of the microstructure (vacancy and interstitial clust
ers). It is shown that, under specific irradiation and material condit
ions, uniform vacancy and interstitial cluster populations become unst
able, forming large-scale spatially organized distributions. The struc
ture and symmetry of these organized distributions are shown to evolve
with time. The selection and stability of the resulting microstructur
e are studied in the quasistatic approximation and in the weakly nonli
near regime around the bifurcation point. It is shown that point defec
t recombination does not affect the long time evolution of the microst
ructure, and that the final pattern should correspond to planar wall s
tructures, in agreement with experimental observations. Time-dependent
evolution of self-organized microstructure is demonstrated for variou
s irradiation and temperature conditions, placing special emphasis on
the role of dislocation bias and direct cascade clustering on the self
-organization of extended defects.