Quantitative evidence of hippocampal atrophy has been correlated with
site of seizure onset, hippocampal neuronal loss, and seizure relief a
fter resection. Most studies have quantified hippocampal atrophy using
ratios or differences between right and left hippocampal values. Howe
ver, bilateral hippocampal atrophy may remain undetected by these tech
niques. To assess the frequency and implications of bilateral hippocam
pal atrophy, we studied absolute hippocampal volumes in 53 temporal lo
bectomy patients who had undergone intracranial electroencephalogram r
ecordings preoperatively. Coronal images were constructed perpendicula
r to the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus. Atrophy was defined as
>2 SD below control values in the volume of the posterior 1.5 cm of th
e hippocampus, Five of 53 patients (9%) had bilateral hippocampal atro
phy; four of these cases were undetected by ratios. Surgery was perfor
med on the side of ictal onset in all five patients; four have been se
izure-free for >2 years. These results suggest that (a) mesial tempora
l sclerosis can be present bilaterally and may go undetected by hippoc
ampal ratio or difference measures; (b) absolute hippocampal volume va
lues as well as ratios are needed to detect all patients with bilatera
l hippocampal atrophy; and (c) temporal lobectomy is not contraindicat
ed in patients with bilateral hippocampal atrophy, but success depends
on electroencephalographic documentation of the side of predominant i
ctal onset.