Polishing is a finishing process in which a smooth work surface is pro
duced by rubbing it against a polishing block with an abrasive slurry
interspersed between them. A model has been developed to estimate the
temperature rise of the work surface in polishing. In this model, the
forces acting on an abrasive particle are derived from a mechanistic a
nalysis of abrasive-workpiece contacts. The heat generated at a contac
t is taken as the product of the friction force and the relative slidi
ng velocity between the abrasive and the work surface. Fbr calculating
the heat flux transferred into the workpiece, each of the abrasive-wo
rkpiece contacts is modeled as a hardness indentation of the work mate
rial by a conical indenter. The moving heat source analyses of Jaeger
and Blok are then. applied to estimate the fraction of the heat flux f
lowing into the workpiece, and the maximum and average temperature ris
e of the work surface. Calculations of the work surface temperature ri
se are made for the polishing of steel, soda-lime glass, and ceramics.
These show that the work surface temperature rise in polishing is qui
te small, typically much less than 200 degrees C, and substantially le
ss than. in grinding. The low values calculated for the work surface t
emperature rise are shown to be consistent with many observation perta
ining to the mechanical state of polished surfaces. The effect of poli
shing process variables on the work surface temperature rise is analyz