Interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-5 are two cytokines which synergize in the i
nduction of several biological effector functions. They are produced b
y mouse and human T helper 2 (Th2) and T helper 0 (Th0) cells. Little
is known about the regulation of the two cytokines at the single-cell
level. Here we show, using a flow cytometric intracellular staining te
chnique, that IL-4 and IL-5 are predominantly produced by different hu
man peripheral CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, whereas interferon (IFN)-gam
ma and IL-2 are produced by the same cells. In contrast, cloned human
Th0 and Th2 cells were able to produce IL-4 and IL-5 simultaneously. T
he segregation of IL-4 and IL-5 in activated peripheral T cells was fo
und within 72 h of activation upon anti-CD3 or phorbol ester + ionomyc
in stimulation. The kinetics of IL-4 and IL-5 production were differen
t at the mRNA and the intra and extracellular protein level, indicatin
g that the cytokines are regulated differently. T cells from three pat
ients with hyper-IgE syndrome did not display a substantial proportion
of IL-4/IL-5 double-positive cells. However, simultaneous production
could be induced in normal human T cells after prolonged stimulation w
ith a minimum of two restimulation cycles. We conclude that the simult
aneous production of IL-4 and IL-5 is a feature of repetitively activa
ted human T cells.