The purpose of this study was to describe the gracilis free-tissue tra
nsfer for soft-tissue coverage after surgical correction of severe clu
bfoot and other complex foot deformities in children older than 4 year
s. Requirements for success include complete correction of deformity,
temporary Kirschner-wire fixation to maintain correction, experience i
n microvascular surgery, and close postoperative monitoring of the tis
sue transfer. Atrophy of the muscle transfer over the first year precl
udes the need for debulking procedures. This procedure was used in thr
ee children aged 4.5, 7, and 7.3 years with untreated or recurrent equ
inovarus foot deformities. Postoperatively, these children had flexibl
e, pain-free, plantigrade feet with no donor-site complications. In co
nclusion, the gracilis free transfer appears to be a safe, effective,
and reliable option to cover soft-tissue defects after the treatment o
f severe clubfeet in older children.