Empathy (affective sensitivity) was hypothesized to be positively rela
ted to creativity and expressiveness and inversely related to dogmatis
m, when gender and age were controlled. Participants were 56 graduate
students enrolled in counseling and educational psychology courses at
a large southwestern (U.S.) university. Participants were administered
the Affective Sensitivity Scale (Kagan and Schneider, 1977) to measur
e empathy, the Statement of Past Creative Activities (Bull and Davis,
1980) to measure creativity, the Opinion Scale (Kleiber, Veldman, and
Menaker, 1973) to measure dogmatism, and the Extended Personal Attribu
tes Questionnaire (Spence, Helmreich, and Holahan, 1979) to measure ex
pressiveness. The results of multiple regressions provide support for
the hypotheses that empathy is positively related to creativity and in
versely related to dogmatism, but the results do not support the hypot
hesized positive relationship between empathy and expressiveness. Impl
ications of these findings for persons serving as counselors and couns
elor educators are discussed.