J. Aspiazu et al., PIXE ANALYSIS OF PLANT-LEAVES OF DOMESTIC USE IN MEXICO, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms, 101(4), 1995, pp. 453-458
A quantitative PIXE method - based on an external beam facility - appl
icable to plant samples, is described in this work, along with the res
ults obtained from the elemental analysis of leaves from nine differen
t plants, commonly used for curative purposes in Mexico. At room condi
tions, pellet formed samples from the leaves were irradiated with 3.55
MeV protons. A computer code called PIXCO, allowed us: a) to evaluate
(and optimize) the experimental conditions previous to the irradiatio
ns, b) to obtain the Si(Li) detector efficiency calibration and, c) to
transform the net areas of the characteristic X-ray peaks into absolu
te concentrations, considering the relevant physical parameters and st
atistical tests pertinent to a thick sample analysis. A sample doping
procedure was followed to avoid problems related with beam charge inte
gration, and with the aid of a proper reference material (IAEA standar
d), a calibration of the system was acquainted for. The concentrations
obtained, have an estimated precision of less than 15% for most of th
e elements analyzed.