The solid-phase minisequencing method (Syvanen et al. 1990) allows acc
urate quantative determination of the ratio between two DNA or RNA seq
uences that are present as a mixture in a sample and differ from each
other only by a single nucleotide. Here, we present another applicatio
n of the minisequening method, the determination of the gene copy numb
er in a genome. The copy number of a marker gene aspartyl glucosaminid
ase (AGA) located at 4qter, was determined in three patients with a ch
romosomal alteration involving the distal region of 4q. For the minise
quencing assay an equal amount of DNA from a patient homozygous for a
mutation in the AGA gene was added to the DNA samples concerned. The r
elative amount of the normal sequence determined in each combined samp
le gives the copy number of the AGA gene. Fluorescence in situ hybridi
zation (FISH), applied in parallel as a control, produced concordant r
esults with solid-phase minisequencing in each case. As the potential
of the minisequencing lies in automation, it could be a useful tool in
the screening of monosomies, trisomies or loss of heterozygosity in d