Cumene cracking on supported H4SiW12O40 was studied in the temperature
range 150-244 degrees C using a constant how microreactor. In the ini
tial periods of runs, besides the two predominant products benzene and
propylene some less important amounts of C-4, C-5, and C-6 hydrocarbo
ns as well as toluene and ethylbenzene were obtained. Based on these r
esults and separate experiments with propylene and benzene, a reaction
pattern was proposed. The side products vanished after some 10-20 min
of run time during which there was rapid deactivation of the catalyst
and a decrease from an initially high conversion to 20-30% conversion
depending on temperature. From the mass balance the amount of carbona
ceous deposit was estimated and it was shown that the precursors for i
ts formation are propylene and cumene. Arrhenius plots of the rate con
stants at a given coking degree indicate that below 170 degrees C at l
ow coking degree it is the surface reaction which is the rate controll
ing factor. Above this temperature the reaction is predominantly a dif
fusion controlled process. (C) 1997 Academic Press