Glucocorticoids are potent antiinflammatory agents. They inhibit leuko
cyte chemotaxis and vascular permeability and generally suppress the e
xpression of many inflammatory mediators. Recent reports suggested tha
t somatostatin (Sms) had significant immunomodulatory properties in vi
tro and in vivo. In this study we examined the effects of glucocortico
ids on immunoreactive somatostatin expression in aseptic inflammatory
sites of Sprague-Dawley rats given carrageenin sc. The progress of the
inflammatory reaction was studied over a 7-h period with respect to t
he volume and cellularity of the exudate and the levels of the inflamm
atory mediators expressed in the inflammatory site, including immunore
active substance P (sP), corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), and tu
mor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha). Dexamethasone significantly red
uced the volume and cellularity of the inflammatory exudates; in paral
lel, the levels of immunoreactive sP, CRH, and TNF alpha were signific
antly suppressed by this glucocorticoid. In contrast, immunoreactive S
ms was stimulated by dexamethasone in a time-dependent fashion. These
findings suggest another mechanism for suppression of the inflammatory
reaction by glucocorticoids via stimulation of local Sms expression,
which occurs in parallel to the inhibition of the local inflammatory m
ediators sP, CRH, and TNF alpha.