To improve the identification and separation of leptons in the Hadron
Calorimeter of DELPHI, one of the four LEP experiments at CERN, the po
ssibility of a direct read-out of the cathodes of the 20,000 limited s
treamer tubes was studied and successfully tested on a small scale. A
larger scale test started in June 1994. This new system which is indep
endent of the present pad read-out provides a ''yes/no'' information.
The combination of both read-out systems makes it possible to use the
Hadron Calorimeter as a track detector. The result of these tests show
that the cathode read-out provides a better pi/mu separation, and imp
roved detection of neutral long lived particles, enhanced discriminati
on of two showers and a more precise hadron energy measurement. It was
decided to equip the whole detector with the new read-out, starting d
uring the 94/95 shutdown.