This paper describes a pipelined 1400-channel Time-to-Digital Converte
r (TDC) system for the H1 Scintillating Fibre Calorimeter, which will
soon be installed in the Ill experiment at DESY. The main task of the
TDC system is to determine the time of arrival of energy depositions,
and send this information from bunch crossings that satisfy the event
trigger into the H1 data acquisition system. In addition, the TDC syst
em must monitor the timing trigger, which vetoes bunch crossings that
contain too much background energy. Products of the interaction are se
parated from background on the basis of their different times of arriv
al with respect to the bunch crossing clock. For this monitoring the T
DC system uses automatic on-board histogramming hardware that produces
a family of histograms for each of 1400 channels. The TDC function is
performed by the TMC1004 ASIC. The system digitises over a range of 3
2ns per bunch crossing with Ins bins and a precision of Ins. Because o
f the way the TMC1004 is designed, it is possible to vary the size of
the bins between 0.6ns and 3ns by trading off measurement range for bi
n size. The system occupies two 9U VME crates.