The Antarctica ''Ozone Hole'' was discovered in 1985 by Farman's group
when they studied the history (from 1957 to 1984) records of total oz
one column abundance at Halley Bay (75.5 degrees S, 26.3 degrees W) St
ation([1]). Later, observations from TOMS also confirmed the fact that
the ozone depletion did happen over the Antarctica continent during t
he Austral spring([2]). Since then, more intensive research programs h
ave been performed by some countries such as the USA, Britain, Japan a
t their stations in Antarctica. The first research of China in this fi
eld has been done with the work of measurements of O-3, UV-B and NO, b
y using a Brewer ozone-spectrophotometer (#074) at Chinese Zhongshan S
tation (69.38 degrees S, 76.3 degrees E) during the 9th CHINARE progra
m (1992 - 1993). The data of total column ozone abundance from the Bre
wer, being a comparison with the TOVS data, and the dose rate of noont
ime biologically UV-B (290 - 325 nm) radiation at Zhongshan Station ar
e presented in this note. Furthermore, consulting the WMO Antarctica O
zone Bulletin, an outline of the 93 ''Ozone Hole'' and its impact on e
nhancing the penetration of UV-B radiation at Zhongshan Station is als
o presented.