When mitochondrial DNA sequence variation is analyzed from a sample of
637 individuals in 14 European populations, most populations show lit
tle differentiation with respect to each other. However, the Saami dis
tinguish themselves by a comparatively large amount of sequence differ
ence when compared with the other populations, by a different distribu
tion of sequence diversity within the population, and by the occurrenc
e of particular sequence motifs. Thus, the Saami seem to have a long h
istory distinct from other European populations. Linguistic affiliatio
ns are not reflected in the patterns of relationships of mitochondrial
lineages in European populations, whereas prior studies of nuclear ge
ne frequencies have shown a correlation between genetic and linguistic
evolution. It is argued that this apparent contradiction is attributa
ble to the fact that genetic lineages and gene Frequencies reflect dif
ferent time perspectives on population history, the latter being more
in concordance with linguistic evolution.