A physico-chemical research of bis-(dipivaloylmethanato)barium(II) (Ba
(thd)(2)) has been carried out from the point of its use in CVD proces
ses as a precursor (thermal stability, immunity to external effects an
d etc.). The optimal conditions for synthesis, purification and storag
e have been found. It has been shown, that the sublimated product pres
ents a mixture of several modifications with the main phase of a compo
sition Ba-4(thd)(8). At a lowered pressure the sublimated product is p
reserved without decomposition for a long time. In the air it is a mon
omer of a composition Ba(thd)(2)2H2O, decomposing in the course of ti
me with forming a free ligand or a diketone (C8H21O2) depending on the
way of purification of the initial compound.