Cell lineage analysis in the cortex has revealed two clonal patterns,
clustered and widespread clones. To determine the relationship of thes
e patterns, progenitor cells were infected with a retroviral library e
ncoding alkaline phosphatase, and cortical sibling cells were identifi
ed using PCR. Clones labeled at E15 consisted of single cells or small
cell clusters (52%) or of widespread cells (48%). However, widespread
clones consisted of multiple neuronal or glial cell types, spaced sys
tematically at 2-3 mm intervals. The data suggest that migratory multi
potential progenitors divide asymmetrically at intervals defined by ce
ll cycle length, producing single cells or clusters of cells in differ
ent cortical regions. Transition from multipotentiality to more restri
cted potential may correspond to changes in migratory behavior.