Faced with scientific progress, social security must be concerned by e
thics, especially by protection of personal integrity. Financial neces
sities lead to fake into account the efficiency of public health inter
ventions. But in front of potentially toxic drug, are we allowed to co
mpare possible advantages with potentially serious risk for healthy wo
men? For these reasons, social security takes a stand in favour of car
efully controlled trials, focused on restricted target populations whi
ch are estimated at high risk of cancer. Research of side effects shou
ld be included in the follow of the patients and special caution shoul
d be taken to avoid premature spreading of this behaviour About a fina
ncial contribution of social security, the National fund for health pr
evention education and information (FNPEIS) could perhaps not support
such a project. regarding to his experimental nature. CNAMTS-INSERM re
search contracts could be an alternative.