The paper presents some results of research work in the field of artif
icial neural networks (ANN) applied to nuclear safety. It shows how a
priori knowledge in the form of qualitative physical reasoning can pro
vide a powerful basis for designing a set of ANN-based detection subsy
stems. In particular, it explains how each ANN is in charge of modelli
ng a physical relationship between a set of state variables (thermal b
alance, mass balance, etc.) by trying to predict one particular variab
le from other ones; then, the residual signal, defined by the differen
ce between the predicted value and the real one is used to decide whet
her abnormalities are present. As far as the decision logic is concern
ed, the paper describes how robustness can be improved by adequate fil
ters on the residuals. The proposed approach is then validated on data
coming from a fullscope simulator of one of the Belgian nuclear power
units: the neural-based detection system is trained on ''normal'' sce
narios and is able, after learning, to detect reliably and rapidly mos
t of the incidental situations chosen as tests.