The complex K4-K10 of two storage rings is intended to provide the bea
ms of exotic neutron deficient and neutron excess nuclei ranging from
He to Ni. High momentum resolution of cooled exotic beams (delta p/p =
10(-5)-10(-6)) and maximum energy of 150-200 MeV amu(-1) are the purp
ose of this project. Interactions of heavy ions with the molecules of
the important constituents of the residual gas are analysed. For a suc
cessful operation of the ring complex, the pressure in the vacuum cham
bers must not be less than 1 x 10(-8) Pa. The gas load sources are ana
lysed and the vacuum technology of the initial preparation of the vacu
um chamber materials and the procedure of reaching the desirable vacuu
m are defined. The structures of the vacuum systems and their differen
t parts are described. An ultra high vacuum test bench for modelling w
orks and examination of individual parts of the vacuum system is creat