The proximal end of mouse chromosome (Chr) 13 contains regions conserv
ed on human chromosomes 1q42-q44, 6p23-p21, and 7p22-p13. This region
also contains mutations that may be models for human disease, includin
g beige (human Chediak-Higashi syndrome). An interspecific backcross o
f SB/Le and Mus spretus mice was used to generate a molecular genetic
linkage map of mouse chromosome 13 with an emphasis on the proximal re
gion including beige (bg) and satin (so). This map provides the gene o
rder of the two phenotypic markers bg and so relative to restriction f
ragment length polymorphisms and simple sequence length polymorphisms
in 131 backcross animals. In parallel, we have created a physical map
of the region using Nidogen (Nid) as a molecular starting point for cl
oning a YAC contig that was used to identify the beige gene. The physi
cal map provides the fine-structure order of genes and anonymous DNA f
ragments that was not resolved by the genetic linkage mapping. The res
ults show that the bg region of mouse Chr 13 is highly conserved on hu
man Chr 1q42-q44 and provide a starting point for a complete functiona
l analysis of the entire bg-sa interval. (C) 1997 Academic Press