The DNA elements responsible for centromere activity in a metazoan hav
e been localized using the Drosophila minichromosome Dp1187. Deleted m
inichromosomes were generated by irradiation mutagenesis, and their mo
lecular structures were determined by pulsed-field Southern blot analy
sis. Analyses of the transmission behavior of Dp1187 derivatives local
ized sequences necessary for chromosome inheritance within the centric
heterochromatin. The essential core of the centromere is contained wi
thin a 220 kb region that includes significant amounts of complex DNA.
Completely normal inheritance also requires similar to 200 kb on eith
er side of the essential core. This flanking DNA predominantly contain
s highly repeated sequences, and the amount required for normal transm
ission differs among division types and between the sexes. We propose
that the essential core is the site of kinetochore formation and that
flanking DNA provides two functions: sister chromatid cohesion and ind
irect assistance in kinetochore formation or function.