A correlational field survey was used to describe sleep disturbance an
d explore the relationship of that sleep disturbance to the psychologi
cal and menopausal status of 23 mid-life women. Subjects were 40-55 ye
ars of age and had self-reported sleep problems, Instruments included
the sleep disturbance questionnaire (SDQ), Centre for Epidemiologic St
udies depression scale (CES-D), Speilberger state-trait anxiety scale
(STAI), a demographic form, 4 cc blood sample for follicle stimulating
hormone analysis, and a 7-night sleep diary ('self report of sleep',
or SRS), Ten of the 23 subjects reported periodic limb movement on the
SDQ, Sleep diaries (SRS) revealed a characteristic sleep disturbance
among 13 of the 23 subjects, which paralleled in some respects the cha
nges in sleep efficiency observed with advancing age, but was more pro
nounced and was present at an earlier age, There was no statistically
significant relationship between sleep disturbance and menopausal stat
us or symptoms, or anxiety and depression among subjects, as shown by
correlational coefficient and chi-square statistical tests, Results su
ggest that a characteristic sleep disorder accompanied by periodic lim
b movement may be responsible for sleep disturbance in mid-life women.
What remains unclear is whether this sleep disturbance is related to
aspects of the perimenopause not addressed in this study or to other a
spects of ageing.