The effects of compression rate on carotid bloodflow were investigated
in awake rats submitted to hyperbaric experiments conducted up to 70
bar (7 MPa, gauge pressure) with either slow compression (0.1 bar/min)
, i.e., inducing only mild High Pressure Neurological Syndrome (HPNS)
or fast compression (2 bar/min), i.e., in the earlier time course of e
xperiments leading to epileptic seizures. implanted transit-time ultra
sonic flowprobes were used, and data were analyzed by regression metho
ds. Mean carotid blood flow increased with ambient pressure during eit
her low or high compression rate, but the increase was significantly m
ore important with the latter. These results evidenced that carotid bl
ood flow increased with ambient pressure, and moreover that this enhan
cement depends on compression rate.