The ability of kittens (45-135 days of age) to segment images based on
textural differences was examined using a two-alternative forced-choi
ce procedure on the jumping stand. Tasks based on 3 textural cues-elem
ent size, element density and element orientation-were presented concu
rrently in a within-subject design, Texture segmentation based on elem
ent size appeared as early as 47 days of age, and segmentation based o
n element density as early as 57 days, In both cases, onset age varied
with the specific stimulus parameters. Segmentation based on a 90 deg
difference in element orientation did not appear until after 90 days
and its time of appearance was independent of element size over a 2 oc
tave range, For all segmentation cues, age was a more powerful determi
nant of when a task would be solved than was amount of training, The l
ate onset of segmentation based on orientation, relative to other cues
, closely parallels recent findings in human infants, This evidence of
differences in developmental time course provides strong support for
the idea that texture segmentation based on orientation differences do
es not share a common neural substrate with texture segmentation based
on other visual cues.