Glasses are generally produced from the highly undercooled liquid stat
e by rapid quenching methods or quasi-statically at slow cooling by th
e effective control of potent heterogeneous nucleation sites. For meta
llic systems the latter method recently has led to the development of
bulk metallic grass with a complex multicomponent chemistry and advanc
ed engineering properties. Besides the formation of ''deep eutectics''
due to the strongly varying atomic size of the constituents an enhanc
ed oxygen solubility is necessary in order to control heterogeneous nu
cleation and produce a bulk metallic glass. As long as crystallization
can be avoided the relevant thermodynamic properties of the metastabl
e glassy and undercooled liquid phases can be measured below and above
the glass transition temperature, respectively. The obtained data giv
e new insight into the nature of the glass transition suggesting that
it is not a phase transition in the classical sense but kinetic freezi
ng triggered by an underlying entropic instability. However, different
types of glasses distinguished as ''fragile'' and ''strong'' exhibit
different densities of configurational states. Therefore, the thermody
namic and transport properties become dependent on the time scales of
their exploration. Furthermore, glass formation can be achieved by sol
id-state-processing without passing through the liquid state. This cry
stal-to-glass transition is observed under a number of different exper
imental conditions when a sufficiently high energy level is reached an
d kinetic conditions prevent the establishment of equilibrium. In some
instances it can be shown that basically the same glassy state can be
reached approaching it from the liquid or the solid state. In both ca
ses the stability of the undercooled liquid and the non-equilibrium so
lid against glass formation is limited by an isentropic condition. Con
ceptually, the formation of the glassy state from the liquid and the s
olid can then be understood within a thermodynamic framework under app
ropriate kinetic constraints resulting in a universal phase diagram wi
th a pseudocritical point.