In ferret ventricular myocytes the rate of intracellular Ca concentrat
ion [Ca](i) decline and relaxation is remarkably fast (compared with r
abbit and rat) under conditions where both the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Ca uptake and Na/Ca exchange are inhibited. Here we explore the possib
ility that this rapid [Ca](i) decline in ferret cells is attributable
to the sarcolemmal Ca ATPase by using carboxyeosin (a potent inhibitor
of the sarcolemmal Ca-ATPase). We compare the effects of carboxyeosin
with those of elevated extracellular [Ca] ([Ca](o)) (a thermodynamic
approach to limit Ca transport by the sarcolemmal Ca ATPase). In rabbi
t cells, carboxyeosin and high [Ca](o) slowed [Ca](i) decline similarl
y and both virtually abolished [Ca](i) decline when mitochondrial Ca u
ptake was also inhibited. In ferret cells, carboxyeosin treatment prod
uced these same effects on [Ca](i) decline, but high [Ca](o) did not m
imic them. Moreover, only in carboxyeosin-treated ferret cells did add
itional inhibition of mitochondrial Ca uptake nearly abolish [Ca](i) d
ecline. We conclude that,carboxyeosin loading can inhibit colemmal Ca-
ATPase in intact myocytes; that this pump seems likely to be responsib
le for the much faster relaxation observed in ferret cells after block
of SR Ca accumulation and Na/Ca exchange transport and that the sarco
lemmal Ca pump apparently has different characteristics in rabbit and
ferret ventricular myocytes.