The generation of tritium during the electrolysis of aqueous light wat
er alkali carbonate (K2CO3 and Li2CO3) solutions by nickel cathodes, f
irst reported by us at the international Conference on Cold Fusion-3 (
Nagoya, Japan, October 1992) has once again been verified and confirme
d. During 1993, 10 out of 23 cells, whose electrolytes were analyzed u
sing a newly set up dedicated liquid scintillation counting unit, indi
cated low tritium levels in the electrolyte, in the range of 0.5 to 4.
8 Bq/ml. Except one cell, which contained 25% D2O, the remaining nine
cells, which produced tritium, were charged with natural light water s
olutions only. Two of these cells, which were monitored for tritium ev
ery few days, and excluding cell OM-3, which was set up in 1992, indic
ated tritium level variations in a sawtooth fashion, suggesting the po
ssible presence of an as yet unidentified mechanism responsible for pe
riodically removing tritium from the electrolyte.