Weighing lysimetry is the primary method to directly measure evapotran
spiration, and the scale performance of weighing lysimeters is often a
ffected by wind loading. This study was conducted to calibrate the wei
ghing lysimeters at Bushland, Texas, and to determine the effects of w
ind on the measurement accuracy of the lysimeter scales. Applied mass
amounts equivalent to 150% of the lysimeter range were applied, and ly
simeter scale calibrations were determined. Wind influences were measu
red by covering the lysimeters with a rubber sheet to minimize evapora
tion during an extended period. The lysimeters were sensitive to mass
changes as small as 0.05 mm (450 g), highly linear with less than 1% t
otal error over the 250-mm range (2.25 Mg), insensitive to load distri
bution on the lysimeter surface, and sensitive to surface pressures cr
eated by wind loading. The effects of wind can be minimized with data
smoothing but not eliminated. The USDA-ARS weighing lysimeters at Bush
land Texas, have evapotranspiration measurement accuracy necessary to
determine evapotranspiration rates as small as 0.05 to 0.1 mm/h over t
ime periods of 30-min or greater.