A whole plant liquid/membrane micropropagation bioreactor system was m
odified to allow the culture process to operate semicontinuously. The
medium composition control (MCC) system allowed bioreactor medium to b
e sampled automatically at 3-h intervals and an aliquot analyzed for s
ucrose and dextrose concentration. Data obtained were used as the inpu
t to a three-state on/off control system which maintained medium sucro
se within a preset threshold of +5% of the desired concentration and m
edium volume levels within a +2.5% threshold. The MCC system performan
ce testing, without explant tissue, showed it to respond within these
design limits when disturbances and setpoint changes were imposed on t
he system. Stage I Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) explants cultured in th
e MCC system were found to have both large fresh weight gains and prol
ific shoot production. The MCC-grown explants showed increased tissue
fresh weight gains over previous bioreactor studies including treatmen
ts on conventional agar-based medium, on static-liquid medium, in a li
quid/membrane bioreactor with seven-day fresh medium replacement and i
n a liquid/membrane bioreactor equipped for monitoring sucrose concent