Rm. Anderson et al., POTENTIAL IMPACT OF LOW EFFICACY HIV-1 VACCINES IN POPULATIONS WITH HIGH-RATES OF INFECTION, Proceedings - Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 261(1361), 1995, pp. 147-151
A safe and effective HIV vaccine to prevent infection and/or to modera
te disease is urgently needed. Research progress has been slower than
anticipated for a variety of reasons including uncertainty over which
immunogen to use (i.e.; recombinant subunit envelope proteins or whole
HIV-1 products), confusion an which immunological markers best correl
ate with protection, the relevance of the HIV-I chimpanzee model to in
fection in humans and the significance of the rapid evolution of HIV-1
, with different clades of the virus emerging in different parts of th
e world. However, what some would interpret as encouraging results, fr
om Phase I and II trials of recombinant envelope glycoprotein vaccines
, have raised the question of whether the time is right to start Phase
III trials in humans with immunogens that may have low to moderate ef
ficacy. By using mathematical models and data from epidemiological stu
dies, we examine the potential impact of such vaccines within heterose
xual communities with high rates of infection. Analyses suggest that i
t will be difficult to block HIV-1 transmission even with very high le
vels of mass vaccination. The cost of sustaining high levels of herd i
mmunity with a vaccine of short protection duration is likely to be hi
gh. However, assessments of impact over the long duration of an HIV-1
epidemic indicate that many cases of HIV infection and associated mort
ality can be prevented by immunogens with efficacy of 50% or less and
a five year protection duration. These analyses add some support to th
e view that proceeding with Phase III efficacy trials may be appropria
te in high HIV transmission regions even if the consensus opinion on p
otential efficacy of the immunogen is that it will be low.