In this paper, we investigate theoretically and experimentally the com
bined effects of gravity and viscous forces on residual nonwetting-pha
se saturation in immiscible displacements. We develop simplified model
s of oil entrapments to account for the combined effects of gravity an
d viscous forces on snap-off and bypass processes. Both models demonst
rate theoretically that the combined effects of gravity and viscous fo
rces can be represented by the Brownell-Katz number (N-BK), the sum of
a capillary number (ratio of viscous force to capillary force, del Pk
/sigma) and a Bond number (ratio of gravity force to capillary force,
Delta rho k/sigma). The magnitude of the Bond number in comparison to
capillary number depends on the permeability of the medium and the wet
ting-phase relative permeability. Immiscible displacements were conduc
ted in a vertical sandpack (119 cm long and 1.95 cm in diameter) to te
st the proposed theory. We obtained a wide range of Bond numbers and c
apillary numbers by varying interfacial tension (IFT), phase density d
ifference, and injection rates for mixtures of brine, isopropanol, and
iso-octane. Results from displacements with gravity forces assisting
and with gravity forces impeding recovery support the linear combinati
on of capillary and Bond numbers (N-BK). The experimental results pres
ented along with previously available experimental data verify that th
e scaling results hold for variation of any of the parameters that app
ear in the Bond and capillary numbers.