We have evaluated the effects of hypoxia on changes in light transmitt
ance (Delta T/T) in rat hippocampal interface slices at 36 degrees C,
using a digital imaging system. Slice translucence increased only slig
htly (Delta T/T = 4.65% in CA1; control 2.27%) during brief hypoxia in
which hypoxic spreading depression-like depolarization was not induce
d. If hypoxia duration was sufficient to trigger spreading depression
in CA1, slice translucence increased rapidly in CA1 Delta T/T = 27.5%)
and smaller, delayed changes were noted in other regions. These sprea
ding depression-induced changes reversed slowly to control levels upon
reoxygenation. Measurement of intrinsic optical signals revealed both
spatial and temporal patterns of cell volume changes associated with
hypoxia and spreading depression in hippocampus.