Fibrosing alveolitis (FA) is a major and often fatal complication of s
ystemic sclerosis (SSC). The critical role of fibroblasts in the patho
genesis of FA has long been recognized. Characterization of fibroblast
activation in the lungs may improve our understanding and the managem
ent of this disease. We analyzed bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid sa
mples from 9 healthy controls and 43 patients with FA caused by lung i
nvolvement form SSC. The chemoattractant activity (CAA) of cultured hu
man fibroblasts elicited by native BAL fluid was measured in Boyden ch
ambers. In addition, procollagen III peptide was measured in BAL fluid
as a marker of collagen synthesis. CAA (expressed as percentage of th
e chemoattractant effect of 0.25 ng/ml platelet-derived growth factor;
PDGF) was elevated in the SSC patients compared with that of the cont
rols (control: 12.6 +/- 4.0%; SSC: 68.8 +/- 15.2%; p < 0.01). A positi
ve correlation was found between BAL total cell count and CAA (r = 0.6
0, p < 0.01). An inverse correlation existed between CAA and total lun
g capacity (r = -0.55, p < 0.05). The patients were followed up for 13
.3 +/- 1.4 months (mean +/- SEM). Twenty-seven patients received immun
osuppressive therapy, whereas 16 refused therapy. The patients were as
signed to two groups according to their CAA being lower or higher than
36% of the PDGF response (= mean value of the controls + 2 SD). Durin
g follow-up, patients in the high CAA group showed lung function deter
ioration if untreated, whereas stabilization or improvement of lung fu
nction occurred under immunosuppressive therapy; the differences betwe
en untreated and treated patients were statistically significant for t
he changes in vital capacity, total lung capacity and diffusing capaci
ty (p < 0.05). In the low-CAA group, untreated and treated patients di
d not differ significantly with respect to the change in lung function
parameters. We conclude that CAA may serve as a marker of profibrotic
activity within the epithelial lining fluid of patients with FA cause
d by SSC. The results suggest that parameters reflecting activation of
pulmonary fibroblasts provide relevant information about disease acti
vity and may improve the management of FA in patients suffering from S