We consider a family of twisted Fourier algebras A(G, omega) of a loca
lly compact group G, which in the case of a abelian group G are the Fo
urier transforms of the usual twisted group algebras of ($) over cap G
. The corresponding C-algebras C*(($) over cap G, omega) are deformat
ions of C-o(G), which are equivariant in the sense that G still acts b
y left translation. The main examples come from cocycles sigma on the
dual of an abelian subgroup H of G; we prove that for such cocycles th
e twisted dual-group algebras C(($) over cap G, omega) are induced fr
om the twisted group algebras C(($) over cap H, sigma), and we give d
etailed formulas for the multiplication on A(G, omega) which extend to
larger dense subalgebras of C-o(G) and C-b(G). We anticipate that the
se larger subalgebras will be used for constructing deformations of ho
mogeneous spaces C-o(G/T). (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.