Linear stability of horizontal gas-liquid stratified Row was solved us
ing a tau spectral method that is valid For all wavenumbers. Pressures
of 0.1-10 atm and liquid viscosities of 1-600 cP were examined. Compa
rison of these results with Kelvin-Helmholtz, integral momentum and ri
gorous long wave expansion approaches indicates that the approximate m
odels do not correctly predict the point of neutral stability. The dis
crepancies in the models are due to more than differences in the calcu
lation of interfacial perturbation stress components and differences i
n the base states, Stability predictions that include gas phase turbul
ence, as modeled with either a polynomial velocity profile or with imp
osed boundary conditions obtained from measured pressure and shear str
ess variations, are similar to laminar results if the interfacial stre
ss and liquid depth are the same. The long wave stability boundary is
found to correlate well for different channel height, density ratio an
d viscosity ratio, using a gas superficial Froude number corrected wit
h a square root of density ratio and a liquid superficial Froude numbe
r. For gas-liquid channel flow waves that grow Fastest typically have
dimensionless wavenumbers of order unity. Their growth rate scales as
a corrected gas Reynolds number to the first power. If the gas-liquid
depth ratio is less than approximately one, long waves can be unstable
before moderate wavelength waves. Under conditions where unstable mod
erate wavelength waves appear within a couple of meters, it can take 2
0-50 times this length for slowly growing long wavelength waves, which
can destroy regime stability, to appear.