To investigate the origin of the fungal hyphae that cover the grass cl
othing (cloak, boots) found near the neolithic mummy known as the Tyro
lean Iceman, two radiocarbon-dated samples of grass were submitted to
DNA extraction. The DNA was then PCR amplified using, respectively, pr
imers specific for the region containing the internal transcribed spac
ers and the 5.8s rDNA (ITS), and primers specific for an approximately
600-bp long fragment of the nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU
rDNA) repeat units of eukaryotes. The amplification products were clon
ed and sequenced. Sequence analysis of 20 individual ITS clones and of
ten SSU rDNA clones indicated that three types of fungal DNA can be e
xtracted from the grass. Phylogenetic analyses, using 5.8s and SSU rDN
A fungal reference sequences from EMBL and GenBank databases, suggest
that the DNAs come, respectively, from a psychrophilic basidiomycetous
yeast, phylogenetically close to Leucosporidium scottii, and from two
ascomycetes, one of which is possibly related to the Eurotiales