Mvr. Murty et Ha. Atwater, LOW-ENERGY ION IRRADIATION OF H-TERMINATED SI(001) - HYDROGEN SPUTTERING, BEAM-INDUCED (2X1) RECONSTRUCTION, AND SI EPITAXY, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms, 102(1-4), 1995, pp. 293-300
Low energy (15-50 eV) noble gas ion irradiation at low temperatures (
< 300 degrees C) enables formation of a Si(001)-2 X 1 surface reconstr
uction that has been hydrogen-terminated by a hydrofluoric acid dip pr
ior to irradiation. Using 15 eV He+ irradiation, a (2 X 1) reconstruct
ion can be formed at temperatures as low as 50 degrees C, the lowest t
emperature ever reported for formation of this reconstruction. The (2
X 1) reconstruction occurs as a result of surface hydrogen removal by
sputtering and recoil implantation into the silicon substrate. Molecul
ar dynamics simulations of low energy irradiation of a hydrogen-termin
ated silicon surface indicate that chemically-enhanced physical sputte
ring of silicon occurs in addition to physical sputtering of hydrogen.
The hydrogen sputtering yield is found to be strongly dependent on su
rface hydrogen coverage. The results suggest that low energy ion irrad
iation can be used to tailor the hydrogen coverage, and thus also the
chemical reactivity of the silicon surface.