A flow-through commercial catfish growout operation was found to have
high levels of fecal coliforms (FC) in the discharge. Analyses by acad
emic, commercial and regulatory agency laboratories were conducted thr
ough the system over a five month period in 1991 for various indicator
bacteria groups as well as potential pathogens with highly variable r
esults. Biochemical differentiation of FC showed most to have been Kle
bsiella pneumoniae, K. oxytoca, E. coli and Citrobacter freundii. Duri
ng production many of the effluent FC levels exceeded state surface wa
ter criteria for contact and non-contact recreation of 200/100 ml. Gen
erally, great diversity in results were shown between laboratories dep
ending on their analytical specialty and whether they were responding
to requests to show the FC populations to have been fecal in origin, o
r potential pathogens.