The increasing challenge posed by multiresistant saprophytes in medica
l microbiology is strikingly demonstrated by the emergence of Burkhold
eria (formerly Pseudomonas) cepacia as an opportunist pathogen in immu
nocompromised patients, particularly individuals with chronic granulom
atous disease and cystic fibrosis (CF). Best known previously as a phy
topathogen and the cause of soft rot of onions, B. cepacia presents th
ree major problems for the CF community: innate multiresistance to ant
imicrobial agents; person-to-person transmission of epidemic strains t
hrough nosocomial or social contacts; and 'cepacia syndrome', a fulmin
ating fatal pneumonia, sometimes associated with septicaemia, that occ
urs in approximately 20% of colonised patients, including those with p
reviously mild disease. Accumulated evidence to dispel earlier suggest
ions that the organism is avirulent and merely a marker of existing lu
ng disease includes: case-controlled studies in CF patients; reports o
f serious infections in non-CF patients; in-vitro and in-vivo evidence
that B. cepacia induces production of pro-inflammatory markers, inclu
ding the major cytokine TNF alpha; and histopathological evidence that
exposure of transgenic CF mice to B. cepacia results in pneumonia. By
the early 1990s, the use of selective culture media and DNA-based bac
terial fingerprinting confirmed suspicions of epidemic person-to-perso
n spread of B. cepacia. This evidence provided scientific justificatio
n for draconian and controversial measures for infection control, in p
articular, segregation of B. cepacia-colonised patients during treatme
nt at CF centres and their exclusion from social gatherings and nation
al conferences. Recently, molecular analyses of type strains and clini
cal isolates have revealed that isolates identified previously as B. c
epacia belong to at least three distinct species and have increased co
ncern regarding the reliability of current laboratory detection and id
entification systems. Clarification of the taxonomy of B. cepacia-like
organisms and the pathogenic potential of environmental isolates rema
ins a high priority, particularly when the organism's antifungal and d
egradative properties have created interest in its potential use as a
biological control agent to improve crop yields and its use for the bi
oremediation of contaminated soils.