We demonstrated the functional evaluation of adrenal incidentaloma in
8 patients who had no abnormal finding associated with Gushing's syndr
ome. Adrenal tumors were incidentally discovered by abdominal echogram
in 5 patients and by computed tomography (CT) in 3 patients. Serum co
rtisol levels and urinary excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (17-O
HCS) were within normal limits in four of 8 patients. Urinary excretio
n of free cortisol was also within normal limits except for patient 8.
Urinary excretion of 17-OHCS, however, was not suppressed by dexameth
asone administration in five of 8 patients. Excretion of urinary 17-OH
CS did not increase in response to metyrapone in 3 of 4 dexamethasone-
insuppressible patients, but increased in 3 dexamethasone-suppressible
ones. Serum cortisol increased in response to exogenous ACTH in all 6
patients examined. I-131-Adosterol accumulation was found in only the
tumor side in 7 patients and bilaterally in one patient. Adrenalectom
y was done in 7 patients, and microscopic findings showed adrenocortic
al adenoma. Serum cortisol was significantly suppressed in response to
dexamethasone in the post-operative stage in all 7 patients examined.
These results indicate that these adrenal incidentalomas seem to have
a cortisol over-production which is dexamethasone-insuppressible and
ACTH-dependent, and that they can be classified as ''Pre-Cushing's Syn