To evaluate the benefit of gastric surgery in terms of improvement in
health risk factors, the loss of weight and its long-term maintenance.
28 non-diabetic morbidly obese subjects were followed during three to
five years after vertical banded gastroplasty. Aside from a rapid and
sustained loss of weight averaging nearly 75% reduction of weight exc
ess. there occurred a concomitant improvement in glucose tolerance wit
h 50% reduction in fasting insulinaemia and correction of hypertension
. The improvement in cardiovascular risk factors also included the dro
p in plasma triglycerides associated with an increase in HDL-cholester
ol, while uricaemia decreased to low normal levels. Gastric procedures
are therefore an effective treatment of severe obesity and of its com
orbid conditions. but they should be followed by careful medical and n
utritional monitoring to prevent any possible digestive or nutritional