Ontogenetically early shells of four North Atlantic scaphopod species,
Antalis occidentalis Stimpson, 1851, Entalina quinquangularis (Forbes
, 1844), Pulsellum lofotensis (M. Sars, 1865), and Cadulus subfusiform
is (M. Sars, 1865) were examined by SEM. The larval shell of previousl
y described scaphopods can be divided into the bulbous protoconch A an
d the more or less elongated protoconch B. In A. occidentalis and E. q
uinquangularis, a smooth teleoconch A is distinguished from the ribbed
teleoconch B. The protoconch of A. occidentalis matches previous repo
rts on A. tarentinum (Lamarck, 1818) (type 1). E, quinquangularis and
P. lofotensis have a protoconch with a marked constriction, but withou
t annulations (type 2). In C. subfusifomis, only teleoconchs A and B w
ere found, hut no distinct protoconchs. Teleoconch A of this species r
esembles a juvenile Pulsellum, before it forms a constriction separati
ng it from the rapidly expanding teleoconch B, In addition to shell mo
rphometrics, the microstructure is described for each species. The res
ults are compared to earlier descriptions of Recent and fossil scaphop
od protoconchs: type 1 is restricted to the Dentaliida, type 2 typical
for Cadilida except for the presumably derived condition in C. subfus