Occurrence of teleplanic veliger larvae of sublittoral species in majo
r currents of the tropical Atlantic Ocean supports the hypothesis that
passive dispersal of larvae contributes importantly to the biogeograp
hy of shoal-water molluscan species. Rafting may play a secondary role
. Criticisms of passive larval dispersal as a factor in molluscan biog
eography are: (1) that larvae have a fixed life span too short to acco
unt for long-distance dispersal: both laboratory and field data show t
his assertation to be mistaken; (2) that larvae after a time lose thei
r competence to metamorphose: whenever tested, teleplanic larvae have
been shown to retain their ability to metamorphose; (3) that dispersal
is random and cannot explain congruent nonrandom associations among w
idely differing taxa: dispersal is largely accounted for by advection
along major ocean currents which provide quasi-permanent or seasonally
reoccurring corridors for the transport of planktonic larvae; therefo
re various taxa necessarily are dispersed over similar routes, leading
to congruent geographic distributions; and (4) that some species lack
ing long planktonic larval stages nevertheless have wide geographic ra
nges and consequently there is little relationship between mode of rep
roduction and geographic range of species: those species lacking exten
ded planktonic larval stages yet having wide geographic ranges are mos
tly sessile epibenthic forms that can attach to hard substrata, and co
nsequently are preadapted for passive dispersal by rafting. Dispersal
by human agencies also has contributed within historic time to the geo
graphic distribution of marine mollusks. Such alternative modes of dis
persal do not negate the importance of larval transport. Despite demon
strable evidence for widespread passive larval dispersal and in some i
nstances also for the transport by rafting of molluscan species, ecolo
gical constraints place restrictions upon where and when new colonists
can survive and reproduce. Geotectonics and sea-floor spreading have
been significant in controlling the pattern and extent of passive disp
ersal over geologic time. The closing of the Tethys Seaway during the
Oligocene and Early Miocene resulted in the isolation of the southwest
ern tropical Pacific Ocean from the Mediterranean Sea and tropical eas
tern Atlantic Ocean. Similarly, the closing of the corridor between No
rth and South America divided the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean from
the Caribbean Sea. Continental drift and sea-floor spreading resulted
in the initial formation and subsequent enlargement of the Atlantic Ba
sin and has led subsequently to the ''mid-Atlantic barrier'' which tod
ay acts as a filter between the tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean and Ca
ribbean Sea. Both tectonic events and sea-floor spreading have placed
important constraints on the dispersal between tropical faunas. Faunal
studies of the amphi-Atlantic distributions of marine benthic mollusk
s further support the hypothesis of passive dispersal. Low endemism on
oceanic islands suggests that initial colonization must be largely ac
complished by teleplanic larvae. Available evidence shows that althoug
h no single process can completely explain the present composition of
the Caribbean molluscan fauna, passive dispersal of planktonic veliger
larvae must have played and continues to play an important role both
in colonization and in maintaining genetic continuity between widely d
isjunct regions of the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Recent new techniques
now available which reveal enzyme variation and mitochondrial DNA poly
morphism can revolutionize the study of bio-geography. They can make p
ossible, for example, the identification of closely similar larvae in
instances where morphological characteristics are inadequate and can a
llow measurements of genetic exchange or gene flow and the genetic rel
ationships between widely separated populations. Cladistic analysis, a
lthough revealing little about the processes leading to present geogra
phic distributions, can help reconstruct large-scale geographic relati
onships as related to the evolution of taxa.