Dn. Beede et De. Bloom, THE ECONOMICS OF MUNICIPAL SOLID-WASTE, The World Bank research observer, 10(2), 1995, pp. 113-150
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Economics,"Planning & Development
ISSN journal
Year of publication
113 - 150
SICI code
This article examines the generation and management of municipal solid waste through the lens of economics. The authors estimate that the gl obal burden of municipal solid waste amounted to 1.3 billion metric to ns in 1990, or two-thirds of a kilogram of waste per person per day. I ndustrial countries account for a disproportionately high share of the world's waste relative to their share of world population, while deve loping countries account for a disproportionately high share of the wo rld's waste relative to their share of world income. Analyses across c ountries and over time reveal that the generation of municipal solid w aste is positively related to variations in per capita income and that the generation of municipal solid waste per capita does not vary with population sire among countries with comparable per capita income. Pr actices for collecting, processing, and disposing of municipal solid w aste vary widely across countries, generally in accord with the nature of the waste stream and key environmental and economic features. The least efficient practices tend to be found in developing countries, cr eating serious threats to local environmental quality and public healt h. Although considerable evidence indicates that the generation and ma nagement of waste is sensitive to income and price variables, natural incentives to overuse common property and the presence of intergenerat ional externalities both suggest that private economic behavior will n ot yield socially optimal outcomes in this area. Community interventio n may be needed to promote the social good, with evidence accumulating in support of arrangements involving the participation of private fir ms. The authors' calculations also suggest that improvements made now in the handling of hazardous waste will be far less expensive in disco unted terms than undoing in the future the damage being caused by curr ent practices. Addressing these issues from a rational societal perspe ctive will become increasingly urgent in the future, especially in the developing countries, where the authors project that municipal solid waste will increase at an annual rate of 2.7 percent through the year 2010.