A simple flow-through reactor technique is described for measurements
of sorption isotherms on solid environmental materials such as soils,
crushed rocks, aquifer materials, or peat. The applicability of the me
thod was established by determining copper sorption isotherms at effec
tively constant pH for two different soil samples. The experimental re
sults compare favorably with independent batch and column studies. Pot
ential advantages of the flow-through technique are exemplified by stu
dying the sorption behavior of one soil sample that shows in batch exp
eriments a pronounced dependence on the solid concentration (particle
concentration effect). Comparison of these results with the flow-throu
gh reactor technique and independent column experiments confirms unequ
ivocally that in this case the influence of the solid concentration is
an artifact due to insufficient prewashing of the soil with the backg
round electrolyte solution and has nothing to do with the shaking proc
ess in batch experiments. The present results indicate that incomplete
removal of preadsorbed ions may often represent a major source of err
or in sorption studies and may be difficult to recognize in batch expe