Linkage analysis can be used to test the hypothesis that a marker locu
s of known location segregates independently from a presumed disease g
ene. One way to test this hypothesis is to measure the similarity of m
arker alleles among pairs of relatives affected with the disease. When
the disease under consideration is cancer, it is possible to take adv
antage of the marker alleles in tumors to revise the similarity measur
e obtained from the observations made in constitutional tissue. Only c
ancers that arise through the model of recessive oncogenesis are amena
ble to this revised analysis. This model postulates that cancer is cau
sed by somatic genetic changes which result in the loss of one or both
copies of a normal allele at a tumor suppressor locus. If an individu
al's inherited genotype is heterozygous at the marker locus, the model
of recessive oncogenesis suggests that we may observe loss of constit
utional heterozygosity at the marker locus in the tumor. In this repor
t, we show how to incorporate this loss of heterozygosity data into af
fected pedigree member linkage tests. The revised procedure is illustr
ated using data obtained from relatives with breast cancer. Substantia
l improvement in the power to reject the different chromosome hypothes
is is obtained when loss of heterozygosity is observed in multiple rel
atives with the same marker alleles retained in the tumors. (C) 1995 W
iley-Liss, Inc.