We analyze the mass of the axino, the fermionic superpartner of the ax
ion, in general supergravity models incorporating a Peccei-Quinn symme
try and determine the cosmological constraints on this mass. In partic
ular, we derive a simple criterion to identify models with an LSP axin
o which has a mass of O(m(3/2)(2)/f(PQ)) = O(keV) and can serve as a c
andidate for (warm) dark matter. We point out that such models have ve
ry special properties and in addition, the small axino mass has to be
protected against radiative corrections by demanding small couplings i
n the Peccei-Quinn sector. Generically, we find an axino mass of order
m(3/2). Such masses are constrained by the requirement of an axino de
cay which occurs before the decoupling of the ordinary LSP. Especially
, for a large Peccei-Quinn scale f(PQ) > 10(11) GeV this constraint mi
ght be difficult to fulfill.