The published literature is reviewed on the performance of the Fischer
-Tropsch Synthesis (FTS) under forced cyclical changes in feed composi
tion, Six catalysts have been investigated by two separate research te
ams. Most studies have employed a strategy using periodic exposure of
the catalyst to pure H-2. Experimental evidence is that H-2 pulsing pr
ovides a significant increase in the time-average rate of formation of
the lower carbon number paraffins for all the catalysts considered. C
obalt is the only catalyst for which olefin production also increases.
For the lower paraffins, formation rates exceed the maximum rates att
ainable under steady-state operation at a specified temperature and pr
essure. Product distribution is also modified by H-2 pulsing, but the
modification depends on the catalyst. For Ru and Co catalysts, there i
s a decrease in the mean carbon number and a shift towards paraffinic
products, The Mo catalysts investigated showed an increase in the mean
carbon number under composition forcing, but at cycle periods that de
press rates of hydrocarbon formation, With Fe, CH4 formation is strong
ly stimulated, but the product distribution of the other hydrocarbon p
roducts is unchanged. FTS mechanisms proposed in the recent literature
seem adequate to explain qualitatively the composition forcing experi
ments. There is opportunity for further investigation and suggestions
for such are given.